Questions & Answers

Your questions answered

Q. I have inward opening windows / Doors. Are Flat cats suitable?

A. Please see our full advice here or download our help sheet here

Q. What option do you offer regarding the colour of the mesh?

A. We can do all Flat Cats in either Grey or White mesh and each of these can have either white or black window fixings.

Q. Can I order if I am in the USA?

A. Yes of course, shipping will cost just £12, you can order from this site or, we have a range of screens designed for US sized windows available on our US site at

Q. Are Flat cats suitable for Sash Windows?

A. Yes lots of Flat Cats are used on sash windows. You can either:
1) Cover the whole window or
2) Just cover the part that opens (ie the bottom) using the bottom frame of the window you slide up as the top edge to attach the Flat cat to... hope that makes sense. Why not email a picture and I can mark it up with the measurements that you will need to take?

Q. What about the handles on my windows? Will Flat Cats accommodate these? (This is the No1 question I am asked)

A. Yes they will, in normal circumstances with the window open the handle will, of course, be outside but, even with the winow closed, because the mesh is flexible you should find it easy to secure the Flat Cat even accounting for the window handles

Q. Are the window fixings removable?

A. The fixings are removable...
If you have UPVC windows then once you remove the fixings you may find that a sticky residue is left behind, this is best removed with some white spirit on a rag and the frames will be good as new.
If you have painted frames then again they may be fine but if the paint is weak then it is possible that some paint may be lifted when the fixings are removed.

Q. Can I have a Flat Cat on a door?

A. Yes we do make Flat Cats for doors, they work in exactly the same way so are in effect just very big Flat Cats.
The criteria are:
1) Max WIDTH is 168cm (due to the roll size we use)
2) The door must open outwards
3) There must be a lip at the bottom of the door of at least 3cm which the fixings can attach to

If all these conditions are met you can order as a custom made Flat Cat Door Screen from this page...

Q. What is your return / refund policy?

A. We want you to be 100% delighted with your Flat cat purchase. If for any reason you are not you can return your Flat cats within 30 days for a full 100% refund. This offer applies to Standard AND Custom made Flat Cats so you really can purchase with confidence.

Q. What are your current delivery times?

A. We update our maximum delivery times based on demand which fluctuates greatly during the year. You can find our current maximum delivery tmes here.

Q. Can I order if I am in Australia or New Zealand?

A. Of course, why not use our website for Your area at

Q. What are Flat Cats made of?

A. PVC coated fibreglass mesh so very strong yet light and easy to fold up or roll up and put away when you dont need to use them. There are no rigid frames to put together or store, all Flat Cats come ready made and can be fitted by anyone in less than 5 minutes.

I have a question which is not answered here.
No problem - We are always delighted to hear from anyone regarding Flat Cats and you can contact us by either completing our online enquiry / question form or simply by giving us a call on (01526) 341186 - We really look forward to hearing from you.

Customer comments

Hi Dominic, Just to say thank-you for the prompt delivery of the screen for our back door. We put it up straight away and we are all feeling the benefits of having the door open and knowing that Rocky is safe. The instructions were fantastic and we had it up and in use within minutes.

Thanks again, it's so refreshing to have a company that can custom make something and deliver it promptly ! Thanks again
BK. London EC3N (and Rocky)

Hi Dominic, Thank you for the speedy delivery. The flat cat for the patio door fits perfect. Marble does seem to like climbing up it but it is very strong and stayed in place. Nice to enjoy the fresh air again. Thanks.
DS. Lancaster